Five Reasons Why Mulberry Silk Pillowcases Reigns In The Bedroom

Your sleep is incredibly important to everything you do. A comfortable and relaxing place to rest will mean that the early mornings are easy and the lazy mornings are heavenly. Our range of Mulberry silk pillowcases at Diamond Bedding are a quality all-year investment for your bedroom.

Silk is a top-quality material and we want to show you why our silk pillowcases are superior to standard materials. Here are five reasons to choose our Mulberry silk pillowcases:

  1. Younger looking skin – hydration is the key to maintaining fresh and flawless skin, and silk can help keep moisture in all night long.
  2. Durable for years – investing in silk pillowcases will last for years, with our Mulberry silk sets at the apex of quality materials.
  3. No more bed head – frizzy and split ends during the night are a thing of the past with Mulberry silk pillowcases. They naturally retain moisture while the friction-free surface halts bed head.
  4. The whole set – on top of our silk pillowcases, you can also invest in our full range of Mulberry silk bed linen.
  5. Hypoallergenic – if you needed any more convincing, our silk pillowcases are also completely hypoallergenic and odour-free.

Transform your bedroom into cloud nine with our range of luxury Mulberry silk pillowcases. To find out more about our products, get in touch with us.